In the previous section we explored what makes a good and bad melody, and listened to some well-known, successful tunes. It’s now time get composing. Before we launch straight in, we’re going to do a couple of short tasks called “Continue the melody”. This is a good starting point, as you don’t have to worry about the notes to start off your tune.  

In this lesson we’ll cover:

  • Working in a major key
  • Continuing a melody

This lesson is a little longer than the previous sessions, so you might wish to go through the material in stages.

Working in a major key

In this lesson we will focus on melodies in a major key; the next lesson will look at minor keys.

Continuing the melody

Below are the first bars of some melodic phrases and you’re going to try and continue each one for another two bars. You can do this by either writing it out on manuscript paper, playing it on your instrument or inputting it into your preferred notation programme / DAW. Each melody includes the audio so that you can play it back.

Tips for success

  • Identify the key first
  • Aim to finish on the tonic (e.g. in C major the tonic is C; in G major the tonic is G and so on)
  • Can you use any of the given excerpt in the bars you are adding?

Practical Task 1

Continue each melody below for a further two bars.

Remember to identify the key of each one before you start.

You can tackle this practical task either by reading the staff notation, listening to the audio and writing down your answer. Or you could do it ‘by ear’ – listening to the audio and humming / singing / playing how it could carry on.

Task 1

Have a look at and listen to the example below.  There are two bars of melody, and you need to add another two bars to make it a four-bar phrase.

Good or bad melody? What do you think?

Well, it could be better!  Here are the reasons why:

  • Bar 3 doesn’t bear any relation to the previous 2 bars
  • Sometimes a leap of a fifth works, but in this example it’s a quite abrupt.
  • The final note is an F sharp.  Given that the key is D major, F sharp isn’t the strongest note to finish on.  The tonic (D) is usually the best note to make the phrase sound complete.  If you want the tune to feel like it is unfinished and is going to continue, try ending on the dominant (in this case, A)

Why is this answer better?

  • Bar 3 uses the same rhythm as bar 1
  • There is a better melodic shape – Bars 1-2 ascend, then bars 3-4 descend.
  • It finishes on the tonic, D.  This makes the phrase sound complete and also gives us a clear sense of key.

This is still a melody that works well, with a good melodic shape, but perhaps it doesn’t open up the range quite as well as the first answer: bar 3 starts on a B rather than going up to the D.

Practical Task 2

Let’s have another go using the purple box below.

In the first example we learned that establishing the key is important.  The key should be identified before we begin. Remember that each key signature has a major and minor key.

Key Signature Chart

If you’re not confident on key signatures, don’t worry!  Here’s a key signature chart.

Task 2

Here we are in B flat major.  This answer ends on the dominant: F.

This answer ends on the tonic: B flat, making the end of the phrase sound more final.

By looking at the chart we can see that the key with 2 flats is B flat major.

How do we know that it is not G minor?

G minor also has 2 flats in the key signature. To work out if it’s a minor key, you might be able to tell by listening to the tune. But the easiest way to tell is if there are accidentals.  These are flats, sharps or natural signs written against the notes, which are not part of the scale indicated by the key signature.  In a minor key you would expect to see the 7th degree of the scale sharpened.  So in G minor, there are usually F sharps present.  This melody also starts on B flat and outlines a B flat major triad in bar 1.

Final task

Mini exercise

Have a go at completing the melody given below.
Remember the elements that make a good melody:
– Clear sense of key (aim to finish on the tonic)
– Good melodic shape (think about the direction of the tune)
– Repetition (what can you use that has already been given, e.g rhythm?)
– Sense of phrasing

You’ll need to copy out the given bars on manuscript paper.  If you haven’t go any, click on the button below to download some.

Continue this melody…

We have now looked at continuing an existing melody in a major key. In the next lesson we’ll explore minor keys and then move onto composing a melody from scratch.

Let’s Go!

Click the MARK COMPLETE button below and move on to the next lesson.